One Clumsy Step for Mankind

 I hope you all looked at the deliberate link yesterday so you could see what a rubbish blog looks like-a total sham of a farce of a travesty of what a real blog should look like-total rubbish and what is wrong with writing in the King's English? Anyway I digress.

According to my technology today I took 18063 steps and I can definetely say that 18062 of those steps were perfectly co-ordinated and highly beautiful steps which propelled me forward in an efficient and aesthetic manner! However just one step I took was a total disaster resulting in me writhing on the ground like a beached whale surrounded by concerned Viennese onlookers(pity they couldn't have been so concerned during the 1930s!) Anyway, exemplifying true ANZAC grit, I picked myselfup, dusted myself down and started all over again.

Earlier the same day:

Following a hearty Austrian breakfast we perambulated our way into central Vienna admiring the architecture along the way

The fine art of seduction

"and don't ever say "very unique" again"

We then gravitated to our favouritest sandwich shop and despite them not having cheese and vegemite on wonder white we still did ok

Note Britsh flag on descriptor label😠

Then we hop on the tram and travel to Blechturmgasse to clean up Grandmama's plaque

Much better

We then proceed on a self guided walking tour of Vienna, including the infamous WC from hell

Tonight's dinner is a traditional stew of chopped lung

Before retiring I examine the damage from my misstep(children please look away)
also starting to look like lung stew!


  1. Only five TRZEŚNIEWSKIs but not the Geflugelleber Preiselbeere Schokoloade? I just researched Pliff beer ( no wonder you fell over.


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